Beyond the Casebook Fall 2021
Image Carousel with 19 slides
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Columbia Law School's Beyond the Casebook initiative offers 1Ls the opportunity to discuss timely, relevant issues outside of the classroom setting. The series includes intimate faculty-student discussion groups as well as larger-scale events organized around faculty research and publications.
This year's discussions will center on the theme of “lawyers and the challenges of inclusive democracy” and topics include: Authoritarianism and Democratic Crises, Climate Change, Corporate and Private Power, the COVID-19 Pandemic, Economic Inequality, Federalism; Lawyering, Leadership, and Ethics; Policing and Criminal Justice Reform, Racial and Ethnic Inclusion, and Supreme Court Reform.
Beyond the Casebook is led by Professors David Pozen, Olatunde Johnson, Jedediah Purdy, Michael Heller and Bert Huang.
Individual Lunches
- Date
- Location
- Topics
- September 24
- Ancel Plaza
- Professor Katz: "Difficult Conversations"
- Professor B. Liebman: "Law and Authoritarianism"
- Professor C. Johnson: "The Digital Divide and Access to Justice"
- Professor Judge: “Financial regulation as case study: technocracy, democracy and representation”
- September 27
- Revson Plaza
- Professor Fagan: "What Kind of Police Reform? Whose Police Reform?"
- Professor Andrias: "Does economic inequality undermine democracy?"
- Professor J. Bulman-Pozen: "Reproductive Rights Under Attack"
- Professor Comey: "Lawyers as Leaders"
- Professor Purdy: “Series: What is democracy, and what's wrong with ours?”
- September 29
- Revson Plaza
- Professor Gerrard: "Disinformation and Climate Change, and Legal Remedies"
- Professor Shanahan: "The Other 98% of Civil Cases: Racial, Gender, and Economic Injustice in State Civil Courts"
- Professor L. Liebman: "The Pandemic and the American Law of Work"
- Professor O. Johnson: "Is American Democracy in Crisis?"
- Professor Ponsa-Kraus: "Why does the United States still have colonies? Why don’t most Americans know it? Why should they care?"
- October 1
- Revson Plaza
- Professor Katz: "Difficult Conversations"
- Professor J. Liebman: "Innocent/Executed: How our Criminal and Capital Justice Institutions Fail"
- Professor C. Johnson: "The Digital Divide and Access to Justice"
- October 15
- Ancel Plaza
- Professor Coffee: "Deferred Prosecution Agreements and the Boeing Case"
- October 22
- Professor Morton: "The COVID Pandemic and American Democracy: 'What has made the U.S. uniquely good and uniquely bad at responding to COVID?'"
- Professor O. Johnson: "Can we build a racially and ethnically inclusive democracy?"
- October 27
- Ancel Plaza
- Professor Schizer: "RBG as Nonprofit Entrepreneur"
- Professor Shanahan: "The Other 98% of Civil Cases: Racial, Gender, and Economic Injustice in State Civil Courts"
- Dean Lester: "Does economic inequality undermine democracy?"
- Professor Sturm: "Lawyers as Change Agents"
- November 5
- Ancel Plaza
- Professor Murray: "The Supreme Court, Deep Dissensus, and Democracy"
- Professor Briffault: “The New Preemption: State-Local Conflict in American Democracy”
- November 12
- Ancel Plaza
- Professor Genty: "Lawyering, Leadership, Ethics, and Democracy"
- Professor Barenberg: "The Law of Capitalism and Democratic Socialism"
- Professor Baylor: "Participation and Transformation of Criminal Legal Systems"
- Professor Mukherjee: "Immigrants’ Rights in 2021"
- November 19
- Ancel Plaza
- Professor Benhabib: "Migrants and Refugees - Comparative Perspectives on the Rights of “Others”"
- Professor J. Liebman: "What the COVID Crisis Reveals about the Prospects for a Truly Public and Equitable System of Education in the US"
- Professor Huang: "The Information Gap Between Lawyers and the General Public"
- Professor Professor Mukherjee: "Immigrants’ Rights in 2021"
Date | Location | Topics | |
September 24 | Ancel Plaza |
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September 27 | Revson Plaza |
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September 29 | Revson Plaza |
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October 1 | Revson Plaza |
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October 15 | Ancel Plaza |
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October 22 | TBD |
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October 27 | Ancel Plaza |
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November 5 | Ancel Plaza |
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November 12 | Ancel Plaza |
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November 19 | Ancel Plaza |
Lunch Series
- Date
- Topic
- September 27 and October 27
- Professor Purdy: "What is democracy, and what's wrong with ours?"
- October 1 and November 19
- Professor Pistor: "How Law Creates Value and Power"
- October 15 and October 22
- Professor Pozen: "Is the Supreme Court a threat to inclusive democracy, and if so what
might be done?"
Date | Topic | |
September 27 and October 27 | Professor Purdy: "What is democracy, and what's wrong with ours?" | |
October 1 and November 19 | Professor Pistor: "How Law Creates Value and Power" | |
October 15 and October 22 | Professor Pozen: "Is the Supreme Court a threat to inclusive democracy, and if so what might be done?" |

Professor of Law

Isidor and Seville Sulzbacher Professor of Law

Associate Clinical Professor of Law

Scholar in Residence and Adjunct Professor of Law

Joseph P. Chamberlain Professor of Legislation

Betts Professor of Law

Adolf A. Berle Professor of Law

Senior Research Scholar in the Faculty of Law and Lecturer in Law

Isidor and Seville Sulzbacher Professor of Law

Andrew Sabin Professor of Professional Practice

Michael I. Sovern Professor of Law

Clinical Professor of Law

Jerome B. Sherman Professor of Law

Harvey J. Goldschmid Professor of Law

Milton Handler Professor of Law and Reuben Mark Professor of Organizational Character

Dean of the Faculty of Law and Lucy G. Moses Professor of Law

Robert L. Lieff Professor of Law

Simon H. Rifkind Professor of Law

William S. Beinecke Professor of Law Emeritus and Dean Emeritus

Associate Clinical Professor of Law

Jerome L. Greene Clinical Professor of Law

Associate Professor of Law

Edwin B. Parker Professor of Comparative Law

George Welwood Murray Professor of Legal History

Vice Dean for Intellectual Life and Charles Keller Beekman Professor of Law

William S. Beinecke Professor of Law

Dean Emeritus and Harvey R. Miller Professor of Law

Clinical Professor of Law

George M. Jaffin Professor of Law and Social Responsibility
Photos by Eileen Barroso. Contact Katelin Walsch with questions or for more information regarding the Beyond the Casebook Series.